About the Real Cumulate Marketing.
Why Cumulate is here:
Cumulate Marketing is here to help you communicate your value and provide best practices marketing programs with quality and integrity. Each program is designed to attract your buyer persona and enable the sale organization for maximum conversions. The service offering includes complete communication strategy and campaign management.
What Cumulate does Best:
Cumulate areas of expertise include business-to-business for enterprise and an end-to-end digital marketing automation programs for small and medium-sized businesses as well as industry expertise in renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainability, technology marketing, small business traffic building, and healthcare.
Where Cumulate started:
Cumulate has been around since 2005. Before that, Chris Hudson, Chief Marketer at Cumulate, worked for 20 years in direct mail marketing, technology marketing, pharmaceutical marketing and more. Cumulate has a super track record with experience in tradition campaigns, new product launches, trade shows, sales support, executive selling and PR. New digital marketing expertise, updated degrees and tool certification provide the expertise you need to see a real return on your investment for all forms of digital and traditional campaigns.